Liquid metal globe; Metalier distributors

Become a Metalier Distributor

Becoming a Metalier distributor will give you training, support, confidence and the opportunity to create your own great business.

The world is a big place and we’re thrilled to receive correspondence from Jamaica, Botswana, Korea as well as UK, USA, France and Italy.  We’re getting a great take-up of distributors.  Our latest is from Ekaterinburg in the Russian Federation (you look at your atlas – we had to!)  But we are talking to lots of people all the time so if you’re thinking you might join us –  don’t delay!

So why become a Metalier distributor?

First: Unlike some companies, as a Metalier distrtibutor, you pay no licence fees and no royalties.

Second:  All you pay for is product and for that you receive unlimited technical support for as long as you need it – we would say 24/7 – except that we need to do a bit of sleeping – and we do occasionally get away to lie on the beach or get in a spot of skiing, depending on the season.  Apart from that though we’re here for our distributors.

Third:   Our training is modestly priced and can be free.  You have to get to beautiful New Zealand (or the UK, or the USA)  and sometimes, if you’re very nice to us, we’ll come to you.   And Metalier training is a roller-coaster of a learning experience.  Who, but us, would have thought of metal lace?

Fourth:  We reply promptly to emails and queries.  If you haven’t heard from us in 48 hours check that we’ve received your mail.  40% of emails go missing we’re told.

Fifth: Our pricing is keen.  We’re told we’re significantly cheaper than anything else on the market.  We like that and that’s where we want to be.

Sixth:  We give you free market collateralbrochures you can copy, pictures you can use, stories you can share.  And we’ll even come to be part of your trade show stand.

Seventh:  We are the leading company marketing water-based and flexible options.  You have three resin options as a Metalier distributor – solvent high performance, water-based and flexible.

Eighth:  Accessory products.  Again we are the only company with our own clear coat, patinas, waxes and polishes and thickeners.

So if you think this is you and you’d like to know some more – contact us here.  We have training and distribution opportunities in the UK and the USA. Our hub in the UK is looking for companies in Europe to be distributors to their own countries and our hub in the USA is looking for applicators throughout North America.

One of the things that's really important to us is that all the members of our international team are valued, their work is appreciated and they have fun being creative and crossing new boundaries.


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