Brass Windsor; Naumi Hotel; Brass Patination

Brass Patination - Brass Windsor

Brass patination finish created for a fabulous project

The brass patination finish we created for Naumi Hotel in Wellington, New Zealand, was named Brass Windsor. The Naumi was reimagined as a riotously bold collection of gorgeous colours, textures and materials by our friends at Material Creative. It was an amazing project to be part of.

brass patination; patina for brass, brass windsorBrass Windsor

Brass Windsor has become almost the most popular finish in the Metalier range. We’ve included it in The Signature Range Finishes Collection that we are about to launch. We didn’t dare not include it – it would be like a chef changing leaving a favourite dish off a new menu. Not for the faint-hearted!

Brass is so popular

Brass has been the most popular metal we offer for over 4 to 5 years now. In 2023 some brave people predicted it was copper’s year. But that was not to be. Brass has continued to rule. And finishes using patination like Brass Windsor are the most loved of all.

Brass Patination; Brass Windsor; Patina for BrassLearn with Metalier

The making of the finishes in the Signature Range has all been videoed and all the finishes have instruction sheets. All Metalier applicators throughout the world will be told how to create their own version of Brass Windsor. The process can be taught but the artistry in creating the finish will be the applicator’s own. Each applicator’s version of the finish will be unique to them. That’s what makes being a Metalier applicator so exciting.

If you think you’d like to learn about brass patination and other Metalier techniques contact us at HQ to be directed to your nearest distributor. We have distributors now in the USA and Canada, Australia, UK and India as well as NZ.

And we love to hear from you

million dollar question; brass liquid metal; brass triple-polished brushed gloss

The Million Dollar Question for Metalier

The Million Dollar Question

For us the million dollar question has always been, how did you find us?

We always ask the people who contact us but the answer is always elusive. I was just “surfing the net” – right, what keywords did you use? What questions did you ask?  I don’t know or, I don’t remember. Hey, we’re mighty pleased you got to us but we’d still love to know how.

Metalier liquid metal is an idea, a concept, that isn’t in the consciousness of most of our target market – architects and designers who would specify our products – and talented and artistic applicators who will apply and finish it.

Metalier is like metal veneer.

So how did wood veneer get started? It reminds me of an old joke about “The Happy Birthday Chicken”. What’s that? Nothing yet – but how do you think the Easter Bunny got started?

In days past people sneered at wood veneer because of what it is. Now, almost no-one would dream of using solid timber. Today people are using sheet metal when there are heaps of reasons why they shouldn’t – weight, cost, difficulty of handling, limited sheet sizes. The list goes on. But who knows to look for metal veneer?

Brass/gold bring millions of dollars to mind

Which is why we chose our triple-polished brushed brass to feature in this blog. The website dark shadowing somewhat ruins the colour so here it is again. As is always the case, however, pictures never do justice to the brightness of real metal in the flesh – so to speak.

million dollar question; brass liquid metal; brass triple-polished brushed gloss

The million dollar question is a global one

Right now, the global growth areas for Metalier are India, the USA and Europe. And
no-one in all those continents can tell us how they found us. We keep asking ….

So, finding out what and why is a million dollar question with a million dollar answer.
If you can deliver the million dollar answer then, to coin a phrase,
we’re talking turkey, serious turkey.

So contact us via email, contact form, the telephone. Whats App, Facebook,
Instagram or Pinterest (not Twitter ☹☹)
with the code SERIOUS TURKEY and let’s talk – soon.


Talk to us or one of our hubs or complete the message form below.